This page contains the XML for <SCRIPT> DOMDocument object documentation.
Return to W3C DOM Parser Documentation Main Page
NOTE: DOMDocument descends from
DOMNode and inherits
all of the properties and methods of the DOMNode object
DOMDocument - object description
Native Methods:
DOMDocument - getDoctype method
DOMDocument - getImplementation method
DOMDocument - getDocumentElement method
DOMDocument - createElement method
DOMDocument - createDocumentFragment method
DOMDocument - createTextNode method
DOMDocument - createComment method
DOMDocument - createCDATASection method
DOMDocument - createProcessingInstruction method
DOMDocument - createAttribute method
DOMDocument - createAttributeNS method
DOMDocument - createElementNS method
DOMDocument - getElementById method
DOMDocument - importNode method
DOMDocument - getElementsByTagName
DOMDocument - getElementsByTagNameNS
Inherited Methods:
DOMNode - getNodeName method
DOMNode - getNodeValue method
DOMNode - setNodeValue method
DOMNode - getNodeType method
DOMNode - getParentNode method
DOMNode - getChildNodes method
DOMNode - getFirstChild method
DOMNode - getLastChild method
DOMNode - getPreviousSibling method
DOMNode - getNextSibling method
DOMNode - getAttributes method
DOMNode - getNamespaceURI method
DOMNode - getPrefix method
DOMNode - getLocalName method
DOMNode - getOwnerDocument method
DOMNode - insertBefore method
DOMNode - replaceChild method
DOMNode - removeChild method
DOMNode - appendChild method
DOMNode - hasChildNodes method
DOMNode - cloneNode method
DOMNode - getElementsByTagName method
DOMNode - getElementsByTagNameNS method
DOMNode - setPrefix method
DOMNode - normalize method
DOMNode - isSupported method
DOMNode - getXML method
DOMNode - hasAttributes method
DOMDocument - object description
The DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document. Conceptually, it
is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the
document's data.
Since elements, text nodes, comments, processing instructions, etc. cannot exist
outside the context of a DOMDocument, the DOMDocument interface also contains the
factory methods needed to create these objects. The DOMNode objects created have a
getOwnerDocument method which returns the DOMDocument object within whose
context they were created.
DOMDocument - getDoctype method
W3C DOM Level 1
- or -
null (see note below)
XML for <SCRIPT> is a non-validating parser that ignores DOCTYPE declarations.
XML for <SCRIPT>'s DOMDocument objects will always return null.
DOMDocument - getImplementation method
W3C DOM Level 1
- or -
The DOMDocument's getImplementation method returns the DOMImplementation object that
is associated with the queried DOMDocument.
NOTE: It is also possible to access the
DOMImplementation object of the DOMDocument by accessing the
implementation property. This property should be treated as
read-only and should never be set in code.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//the following should show the "true" alert
//(remember, parser is a DOMImplementation object)
if (domDoc.getImplementation() == parser) {
else {
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - getDocumentElement method
W3C DOM Level 1
- or -
DOMNode - a reference to the DOMDocument's root node
The DOMDocument's getDocumentElement method returns the child node that is the
root element of the document.
NOTE: It is also possible to access the
document elemement object of the DOMDocument by accessing the
documentElement property. This property should be treated as
read-only and should never be set in code.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//the following should be "ROOT"
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createElement method
W3C DOM Level 1
String - the tagName (which will also become the nodeName) for the new Element
The createElement method allows DOMElement objects to be
created which can then be added to the document programatically.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new (TAG2) element
var tag2 = domDoc.createElement("TAG2");
//create a new TextNode
var text = domDoc.createTextNode("New");
//append the TextNode to the new TAG2 element
//add TAG2 to the DOMDocument
docRoot.insertBefore(tag2, tag1);
//the following should be
//"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createDocumentFragment method
W3C DOM Level 1
The createDocumentFragment method allows DOMDocumentFragment objects to be
created which can then be added to the document programatically.
A DOMDocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" Document object. It is very
common to want to be able to extract a portion of a document's tree or to create a
new fragment of a document. Imagine implementing a user command like cut or
rearranging a document by moving fragments around. It is desirable to have
an object which can hold such fragments and it is quite natural to use a
DOMNode (DOMDocumentFragment descends from DOMNode) for this purpose.
While it is true that a Document object could fulfill this role, a
Document object can potentially be a heavyweight object.
What is really needed for this is a very lightweight object.
DOMDocumentFragment is such an object.
The children of a DocumentFragment node are zero or more nodes representing
the tops of any sub-trees defining the structure of the document.
DocumentFragment nodes do not need to be well-formed XML documents
(although they do need to follow the rules imposed upon well-formed XML
parsed entities, which can have multiple top nodes). For example, a DocumentFragment
might have only one child and that child node could be a Text node.
Such a structure model represents neither an HTML document nor a well-formed XML document,
but is nonetheless legal inside a DOMDocumentFragment object.
When a DocumentFragment is inserted into a Document (or indeed any other Node
that may take children) the children of the
DocumentFragment and not the
DocumentFragment itself are inserted into the Node.
This makes the DocumentFragment very useful when the user wishes to create
nodes that are siblings; the DocumentFragment acts as the parent of these
nodes so that the user can use the standard methods from the Node interface,
such as insertBefore and appendChild.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.documentElement;
//create the DOMDocumentFragment
var newDocFrag;
newDocFrag = domDoc.createDocumentFragment();
//create a new DOMElement and DOMText
//that will be added to the DOMDocumentFragment
//NOTE: These elements are *NOT* actually in the
//DOMDocument yet.
var newElem = domDoc.createElement("NEWELEMENT");
var newText = domDoc.createTextNode("new text");
//append the new objects to each other
//append the DOMDocumentFragment
//to the ROOT node. At this point
//the new nodes become visible in the
//the following should be
//"<?xml version="1.0"?>
// <TAG1>
// Hello
// </TAG1>
// new text
//get the NEWELEMENT Node from the document
//I can do this now that I've appended the
//DOMDocumentFragment to the tree
var newElem = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("NEWELEMENT").item(0);
//the following should be "new text"
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createTextNode method
W3C DOM Level 1
document.createTextNode(<New Node Data>);
String - the data for new DOMText node
DOMText object - the created DOMText object
DOMText objects represent the textual content (termed character data in XML)
of a DOMElement or DOMAttr. Creating a new DOMText object allows developers
to insert textual data into the document.
The createTextNode method allows DOMText objects to be
created which can then be added to the document programatically.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new (TAG2) element
var tag2 = domDoc.createElement("TAG2");
//create a new DOMText node
var newText = domDoc.createTextNode("New Text Data");
//append the TextNode to the new TAG2 element
//add TAG2 to the DOMDocument
docRoot.insertBefore(tag2, tag1);
//the following should be
//"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
//New Text Data
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createComment method
W3C DOM Level 1
document.createComment(<New Node Data>);
String - the data (comment string) for the new DOMComment node
DOMComment objects represent the content of an XML comment, i.e., all
the characters between the starting ' <!--' and ending '-->'.
Creating a new DOMComment object allows developers to insert comments
into the document.
The createComment method allows DOMComment objects to be
created which can then be added to the document programatically.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMComment node
var newComment = domDoc.createComment("I'm a comment");
//append the DOMComment to the TAG1 element
//the following should be
//"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
//Hello<!--I'm a comment-->
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createCDATASection method
W3C DOM Level 1
document.createCDATASection(<New Node Data>);
String - the data (CDATA content) for the new DOMCDATASection node
DOMCDATASection objects are used to escape blocks of text containing characters
that would otherwise be regarded as markup. Their primary purpose is for
including material such as XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters.
The createCDATASection method allows
DOMCDATASection objects to be created which can then be added to the document
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMCDATADection node
var newCDATA = domDoc.createCDATASection("<any text>");
//append the DOMCDATASection to the TAG1 element
//the following should be
//"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
//Hello<![CDATA[<any text>]]>
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createProcessingInstruction method
W3C DOM Level 1
document.createProcessingInstruction(<target>, <data>);
String - The target for the processing instruction
String - The data for the processing instruction
A DOMProcessingInstruction represents a "processing instruction",
used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text
of the document. The createProcessingInstruction method allows
DOMProcessingInstruction objects to be created which can then be
added to the document programatically.
NOTE: XML for <SCRIPT> does not process processing
instructions at this time. However, it does properly handle the DOMProcessingInstruction
object so that processing instructions can be passed correctly to other parsers.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMProcessingInstruction node
var newPI = domDoc.createProcessingInstruction("target", "data");
//Add the new DOMProcessingInstruction right
//before TAG1
docRoot.insertBefore(newPI, tag1);
//the following should be
//"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
//<?target data ?>
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createAttribute method
W3C DOM Level 1
document.createAttribute(<attribute name>);
String - The name of the attribute
DOMAttr object - the created DOMAttr object
A DOMAttr object represents an attribute of an element. The createAttribute method
allows DOMAttr objects to be created which can then be added to the
document programatically.
NOTE: creating a DOMAttr only
creates the attribute object. To assign the attribute object a value,
the DOMAttr's setNodeValue method must be called.
To add the new attribute to a DOMElement, the DOMElement's setAttribute method
can be called.
NOTE: please see
the documentation for
DOMElement - setAttribute
for another method of adding and editing attributes in elements.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMAttr node
var newAttribute = domDoc.createAttribute("attribute");
//Add the new attribute to TAG1
//the following should be
//<?xml version="1.0"?>
//<TAG1 attribute="value">
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createAttributeNS method
W3C DOM Level 2
document.createAttributeNS(<namespaceURI>, <qualified attribute name>);
String - The URI associated with the prefix in the attribute name
String - the fully qualified attribute name (including prefix)
DOMAttr object - the created DOMAttr object
A DOMAttr object represents an attribute of an element. The createAttributeNS method
allows DOMAttr objects with namespace information to be created which can
then be added to the document programatically.
NOTE: creating a DOMAttr only
creates the attribute object. To assign the attribute object a value,
the DOMAttr's setNodeValue method must be called.
To add the new attribute to a DOMElement, the DOMElement's setAttribute method
can be called.
NOTE: please see
the documentation for
DOMElement - setAttribute
for another method of adding and editing attributes in elements.
NOTE: The name of the attribute must be fully qualified
(i.e. include <prefix>:<attributeName>) or unexpected behavior may result.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ns1:ROOT xmlns:ns1=\"\" >"
+ "<ns1:TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</ns1:TAG1>"
+ "</ns1:ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var ns1="";
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns1, "TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMAttr node with
//the ns1 namespace
var ns1="";
var newAttribute = domDoc.createAttributeNS(ns1, "ns1:attribute");
//Add the new attribute to TAG1
//the following should be
//<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
//<ns1:ROOT xmlns:ns1="" >
//<ns1:TAG1 ns1:attribute="value">
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - createElementNS method
W3C DOM Level 2
document.createElementNS(<namespaceURI>, <qualified element name>);
String - The URI associated with the prefix in the element name
String - the fully qualified element name (including prefix)
The createElement method allows DOMElement objects associated with namespaces to be
created which can then be added to the document programatically.
NOTE: The name of the element must be fully qualified
(i.e. include <prefix>:<elementName>) or unexpected behavior may result.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ns1:ROOT xmlns:ns1=\"\" >"
+ "<ns1:TAG1>"
+ "Hello"
+ "</ns1:TAG1>"
+ "</ns1:ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//get the "TAG1" element
var ns1="";
var tag1 = docRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns1, "TAG1").item(0);
//create a new DOMElement node with
//the ns1 namespace
var ns1="";
var newElement = domDoc.createElementNS(ns1, "ns1:NewElement");
//create and append a DOMText to the new node
var newText = domDoc.createTextNode("new text");
//Add the new DOMElement to the document
//the following should be
//<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
//<ns1:ROOT xmlns:ns1="" >
//new text
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - getElementById method
W3C DOM Level 2
document.getElementById(<element id>);
String - The element id to search on
DOMElement object - the DOMElement object with the id attribute who's value
matches the element id passed in.
The getElementById method returns the DOMElement whose id attribute value is matched
by the element id passed into the method. If no such DOMElement exists, getELementById
will return null.
NOTE: XML for <SCRIPT> classifies id attributes
as any attribute who's name is a case insensitive match to "id".
NOTE: Having more than one DOMElement in a document
with the same id value can cause unpredictable behavior. Take care to ensure the
id values of the document are unique.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml;
xml = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1 id=\"foo\">"
+ "Hello"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parser
var parser = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
var domDoc = parser.loadXML(xml);
//get the root node
var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();
//find tag1 by searching by its id
var tag1 = domDoc.getElementById("foo");
//the following should be
//<TAG1 id="foo">
//now add a new DOMElement to the document
var newElem = domDoc.createElement("NEWELEM");
//add an id element to the new element so it
//can be found later using getElementById
var newAttr = domDoc.createAttribute("id");
//add a text node to the new element
var newText = domDoc.createTextNode("new text");
//get the element I just added by searching
//on its ID
var newElem = domDoc.getElementById("newid");
//the following should be
//<NEWELEM id="newid">
//new text
//now remove tag1
//try to search for tag1
//it should not be found
var noTag1Found = domDoc.getElementById("foo");
//the following should show the alert
if (noTag1Found == null) {
alert("no tag1 element found!");
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - importNode method
W3C DOM Level 2
document.importNode(<node to import>, <recurse children>);
DOMNode node to import - the DOMNode to be imported
boolean - recursively import children
DOMNode - a node suitable for addition into the document.
Under normal circumstances, nodes from one document cannot be added to another. This
avoids situations where nodes of the same document have different implementation
objects and different parents. However, there are times where adding nodes from
one document into another would be convenient. For cases such as this, the importNode
method can be used.
The importNode method prepares a DOMNode from another document to be added to the
document that importNode was called from. The returned node has no parent
(e.g. parentNode is null). The source node is not altered or removed from the
original document; importNode creates a new copy of the source node.
NOTE: calling a DOMDocument's importNode method
does *not* modify the DOMDocument in any way. In order to modify the DOMDocument,
the node returned from the importNode method must be added via a DOM manipulation
method such as appendChild.
For all nodes, importing a node creates a node object owned by the importing
document, with attribute values identical to the source node's nodeName and
nodeType, plus the attributes related to namespaces (prefix, localName,
and namespaceURI). As in the cloneNode operation on a Node, the source node
is not altered. The following list describes the specific behavior of importNode
for each type of node.
Node Type
importNode Behavior
The ownerElement attribute is set to null and the specified
flag is set to true on the generated DOMAttr. The descendants of
the source DOMAttr are recursively imported and the resulting
nodes reassembled to form a subtree identical to the original.
Note that the deep parameter has no effect on DOMAttr nodes;
they always carry their children with them when imported.
If the deep option is set to true, the descendants of the
source element are recursively imported and the resulting
nodes reassembled to form a subtree identical to the original.
Otherwise, importNode simply generates an empty DOMDocumentFragment.
DOMDocument nodes cannot be imported. importNode will return null.
Specified attribute nodes of the source element are imported, and the
generated DOMAttr nodes are attached to the generated Element.
If the importNode deep parameter was set to true,
the descendants of the source element are recursively imported and the
resulting nodes reassembled to form a subtree identical to the original.
The imported node copies its target and data values from
those of the source node.
These three types of nodes inheriting from DOMCharacterData copy
their data and length attributes from those of the source node.
function xmljsDOMExample() {
var xml1;
xml1 = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT>"
+ "<TAG1>"
+ "Hello 1"
+ "</TAG1>"
+ "</ROOT>";
var xml2;
xml2 = ""
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<ROOT2>"
+ "<TAG2>"
+ "Hello 2"
+ "</TAG2>"
+ "</ROOT2>";
//instantiate the W3C DOM Parsers
var parser1 = new DOMImplementation();
var parser2 = new DOMImplementation();
//load the XML into the parsers and get the DOMDocuments
var domDoc1 = parser1.loadXML(xml1);
var domDoc2 = parser2.loadXML(xml2);
//get the root nodes
var docRoot1 = domDoc1.getDocumentElement();
var docRoot2 = domDoc2.getDocumentElement();
//get tag1 of the first XML
var tag1 = docRoot1.getElementsByTagName("TAG1").item(0);
//try to append tag1 to the second xml
//this should fail because the tag1 is
//not part of the second XML document
try {
catch(e) {
//I should have failed with a
//failure code of
//check to make sure
if (e.code == DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR) {
//this is expected. do nothing and continue
else {
alert("unexpected error");
//to add nodes that originate from different
//documents, use the importNode method
//Also, send true to the deep argument
//so that all the child nodes are imported
//as well.
var nodeToImport = domDoc2.importNode(tag1, true);
//nodeToImport can now be added to the second document
//the following should be
//<?xml version="1.0"?>
//Hello 2
//Hello 1
}// end function xmljsDOMExample
DOMDocument - getElementsByTagName
W3C DOM Level 1
NOTE: The W3C specification includes
getElementsByTagName only for DOMElements and DOMDocuments. XML for <SCRIPT> implements
getElementsByTagName for all DOMNodes.
You may find documentation on the getElementsByTagName by viewing the
DOMNode getElementsByTagName documentation.
DOMDocument - getElememtnsByTagNameNS
W3C DOM Level 2
NOTE: The W3C specification includes
getElementsByTagNameNS only for DOMElements and DOMDocuments. XML for <SCRIPT> implements
getElementsByTagNameNS for all DOMNodes.
You may find documentation on the getElementByTagNameNS by viewing the
DOMNode getElementsByTagNameNS documentation.