HTML 4.01 strict HTML

This page contains the XML for <SCRIPT> DOMComment object documentation.

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NOTE: DOMComment descends from DOMCharacterData and inherits all of the properties and methods of the DOMCharacterData object

DOMComment - object description
Native Methods:
The DOMComment object has no W3C native methods
Inherited Methods:
DOMCharacterData - getData method
DOMCharacterData - setData method
DOMCharacterData - getLength method
DOMCharacterData - substringData method
DOMCharacterData - appendData method
DOMCharacterData - insertData method
DOMCharacterData - deleteData method
DOMCharacterData - replaceData method
DOMNode - getNodeName method
DOMNode - getNodeValue method
DOMNode - setNodeValue method
DOMNode - getNodeType method
DOMNode - getParentNode method
DOMNode - getChildNodes method
DOMNode - getFirstChild method
DOMNode - getLastChild method
DOMNode - getPreviousSibling method
DOMNode - getNextSibling method
DOMNode - getAttributes method
DOMNode - getNamespaceURI method
DOMNode - getPrefix method
DOMNode - getLocalName method
DOMNode - getOwnerDocument method
DOMNode - insertBefore method
DOMNode - replaceChild method
DOMNode - removeChild method
DOMNode - appendChild method
DOMNode - hasChildNodes method
DOMNode - cloneNode method
DOMNode - getElementsByTagName method
DOMNode - getElementsByTagNameNS method
DOMNode - setPrefix method
DOMNode - normalize method
DOMNode - isSupported method
DOMNode - getXML method
DOMNode - hasAttributes method
DOMComment - object description

DOMComment inherits from DOMCharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting ' <!--' and ending '-->'. Note that this is the definition of a comment in XML, and, in practice, HTML as well.